Tuesday, November 25, 2014


The film “StartUp.com” is a documentary our class got to view a while back that revolves around the start and failure of a media company called GovWorks.com. It features two main characters Kaleil Isaza Tuzman and Tom Herman, who were buddies since high school that shared a common dream to get rich by creating their own dot com company. By May of 1999, they had an idea of GovWorks.com serving as the online revenue collection interface to pay parking tickets and around this time they had partnered up with Chieh Cheung. The film shows the progression of the company and how the three were trying to obtain venture capital based on this idea. Throughout the documentary, it let us see the struggles that the founders faced that surround the business and the pressure of competitors they dealt with at the time. Things began to spiral downward during the dot-com meltdown that dried up the company’s funds along with how Chieh Cheung was not committed to the team. Tuzman and Herman friendship went downhill as well. Near the last scene, it shows the moment of tension when the two were arguing leading to Kaleil to fire Tom, who then ended up leaving the company. This documentary focuses on the relationship of the two partners and traces the birth of their company. 

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